Timeout Adding Gyre to App

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Mar 20 (53 days ago)
Nathan Morris wrote
When I go to connect the pumps to wifi it will connect to my 2.4g SSID and says connected. The app proceeds to ask for a name. I enter it and then it gets stuck. It tries to connect and then just spins until timeout. Any help is great. I've already restarted the pumps, phone, reinstalled app, and cleared data for app.
1 Answer
Mar 20 (53 days ago)
System wrote
Thank you for contacting CoralVue. As of Tuesday, August 30, 2022, CoralVue is no longer the distributor for the Maxspect product line. Per the manufacturer's request, all product questions and support are now handled directly by Maxspect.

Support Portal: http://maxspect.com/index.php?option=com_fss&view=main&Itemid=494&lang=en
Email Address: cs@maxspect.com

Please know this was a decision made by Maxspect and not CoralVue. We are sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for being so understanding.